What You Can Expect

Phase #1

At this visit, you will sit down with Dr. Tara to have a conversation about your (or your child’s) health history and goals. It is important for Dr. Tara to gain a better understanding of your current health, your concerns, and to discuss what your goals for health. If this appointment is for a child and you would prefer to discuss concerns about them without them present, Dr. Tara would be happy to start the new patient history portion over the phone.  

Th​is visit includes a comprehensive examination that assesses range of motion, reflexes, and nervous system function. Dr. Tara utilizes muscle testing and/or a non-invasive nervous system scan using the Insight Subluxation Station. The purpose of the exam and scans is to evaluate your spine and central nervous system. We determine how your body is functioning, and identify where stress and challenges need to be addressed. Please Note: The scans are completely safe for pregnant women and pediatric patients (even newborns).

​​Dr. Tara will take the time to answer all your questions and concerns thoroughly, and once the initial consult is complete, your scan results and health goals will be used to determine the best chiropractic care plan for YOU.  

If appropriate and not contraindicated, Dr. Tara will perform an adjustment at this first visit.

Phase #2

During this second visit, Dr Tara will address several important questions:

  • What were the results of the comprehensive exam? 
  • ​​How will Dr. Tara help me or my child achieve our health goals?
  • What is the recommended care plan?
  • How much will my care cost?
  • What kind of financial options do I have?
  • Once these questions are discussed, an adjustment


We utilize Insight Scanning. Here are the three components that we use: Neuropulse/ HRV (Heart Rate Variability), Neurothermal (Thermography), Neurocore/sEMG (Surface Electromyography)

Neuropulse/ HRV (Heart Rate Variability)

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is the variation of your heart beat intervals. This scan measures those intervals for a duration of 5 minutes, and Chiropractic doctors use it to gain insight on how the autonomic nervous system is affecting your heart rate. Most people are either in rest mode (break pedal), or fight-or-flight mode (gas pedal), and the HRV gives us a good indication of which. This scan gives us an inside look at how your nervous system is adapting to everyday stress.

Neurothermal (Thermography)

This scan rolls up the spine, and measures the temperature on both sides. The autonomic nervous system controls ​our body's temperature, so when a difference in temperature is detected by the scan, it indicates stress on your autonomic nerves (subluxation). The test helps us determine the severity of that stress and which organs might be affected because of it.

Neurocore/sEMG (Surface Electromyography)

Surface Electromyography measures the tiny amounts of electrical energy in the muscles surrounding your spine. When your experiencing nervous system stress (subluxation), it can result in too much or too little electrical activity in those muscles.


Here at Avid Health and Wellness Chiropractic, we have many different services to fit your specific needs. Whether you are experiencing back pain, feeling out of alignment, or just want to get healthier, we can help.

If you have any questions about the services that we provide our patients, contact us today at (952) 215-9411.

Dr. Tara has done wonders for my 3 month old daughter!

My baby had severe acid reflux and was colicky. I started taking her into Dr. Tara based upon a recommendation from a friend. I am now a believer in chiropractic (I wasn’t before). My daughter is a different baby since we started care. She is in much less pain(it’s almost like the reflux is gone) and she seems very content and happy. I will continue to bring her in to see Dr. Tara and will bring any future children into see her as well.

- Sheila, Mound MN

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